Organization: Center for Development and Research in Evaluation, International Africa
Registration deadline: 25 Aug 2015
Starting date: 13 May 2015
Ending date: 28 Aug 2015
What is NVivoSoftware**?**
NVivois a specialist qualitative data analysis application. Developed in Australia by Qualitative Software Research International (, NVivo assists individuals and organizations to comprehensively organize, manage and analyze rich/voluminous structured, semi-structured and unstructured qualitative data sets.
CeDRE InternationalAfrica is a wholly Zimbabwean development consultancy organization. CeDRE is an NVivo-accredited consultancy firm in the provision of training and sales of NVivo software within the context of promoting qualitative methodology in research and evaluation. Dr. Pindai Sithole, PhD (; +263 – 773 051 212)leads our qualitative research and evaluation portfolio and the facilitation team.
The fees are $150 per person inclusive of refreshments and Certificate of Attendance. We will provide a 30-day Trial version which will be installed in every participant’s laptop.
How to register:
For training registration and other information, please contact Auxilia or Ray at or Mobile(+263-777650944 or +263 774 029 615) or Landline (+263-4-741 670 and +263-4-740 703)